Department of Kindergartens
The Department of Kindergartens is part of the Faculty of Education and Science in Al-Kharamah, which was established in 1430 AH on the basis of the Order of the High Holy Quraan 1426H, dated 18/1/1426 H (Taif University). The Department started its inception with the beginning of the new academic year 1430H. In the first year of the foundation phase, the department has four members. The four members formed the founding team of the department's nucleus. The Department witnessed a steady growth in the number of female students enrolled in the department in the first academic year of the foundation stage 1430H (34 students). Then, the number of female students enrolled in the department doubled in the second academic year to become 134 students.
The department has been striving to activate its capabilities and abilities to enrich the experiences of its students, relying on the scientific and intellectual experiences of its professors and employing all its resources in the use of the latest developments and scientific and technical methods, as well as employing its social vision to serve its partners.
Vision :
"To achieve leadership in the preparation of kindergarten teacher, scientific research and community service; to achieve a distinguished position among the corresponding sections locally and regionally."
the message :
"The department seeks to prepare its students academically and professionally in the light of the national academic standards through continuous development of the department's programs; preparing scientific research in accordance with the requirements of the age and serving the society to compete in the local and regional labor market."
Objectives :
In light of the vision and mission, the objectives of the department can be defined as follows:
• Providing students with educational knowledge, professional ethics and societal norms that will enable them to play their role as kindergarten teachers.
• Develop the spirit of creativity and innovation among students and encourage and train them to practice manual labor in the manufacture of educational tools at the lowest cost of raw materials consumed environment.
• To link academic work and specialization to the requirements of the labor market.
• The constant pursuit of developing the work of the department through keeping pace with the technological development and getting acquainted with everything that is new in the field of specialization.
• Document the relationship between the department and the various kindergartens and follow up the field visits.
• Provide professional and scientific advice to activate community participation in the field of kindergartens and early education.
• Training courses and workshops to raise awareness of early education culture.
• Establishing specialized scientific units to serve the objectives of the department.