The College Director received an excellent response that met the quality standards of the Ministry of Education
The Management and Marketing Departments obtained conditional program accreditation for the Management and Marketing Program
Announcing the academic advising plan mechanism for the second semester of the academic year 1445 AH
The College of Business Administration received three awards at the World Quality Day ceremony
Honoring His Excellency Dr. Hamid bin Ghazi Soleimani with the Best Doctoral Researcher Award for graduates of the year 2023.
An event entitled (Introducing the College’s Specializations)
International Accounting Day event
Alternative exam schedule (male – female students) Bachelor’s Degree - College of Business Administration, third semester of the year 1444 AH
The representative of the College of Business Administration obtained the Distinguished Coordinator certificate
Honoring the Marketing Department in the First Enrichment Forum for Heads of Departments at the University
The college obtained a certificate of thanks for the "Houses of Expertise Project"
Electronic tests at the Faculty of Business Administration
Academic Advising Introductory Meeting in marketing department
Marketing and Future