The cooperative training program aims to achieve compatibility between the capabilities, knowledge and skills of students and the requirements of the labor market.
From this standpoint, the college seeks to make the cooperative training program an effective tool to achieve the highest degree of compatibility between the specifications of its graduates from the college's various programs and the requirements of jobs available in the labor market.
The importance of cooperative training is not limited to achieving the benefit for the student, but also for the college, by providing it with feedback on the level of graduates and the effectiveness of its study plans in meeting the requirements of the labor market.
Consequently, working on updating and developing its curricula in response to this market, which is ultimately reflected in improving the college's image in society and creating its own competitive advantage.
Vice Dean for Training
Dr. Wael bin Ahmed Radwan Tambousi
Functions of the Vice Deanship for Training:
The agency's main mission is to set the basic plan for the cooperative training program, define general policies, follow up on the implementation of the program, and evaluate and develop the program through:
Communicate with the targeted training agencies in order to identify the training opportunities available to the college students.
Counting students who are eligible for mid-semester training and entering their data into the database of the cooperative training platform
Limiting available training opportunities and entering them into the database of the cooperative training platform
Holding continuous meetings with academic supervisors to ensure that the training process proceeds as planned
Follow-up of the training program in terms of implementation, field visits, and surveying the opinions of academic supervisors, students, and training authorities on the progress of the training process and areas for its development.
Analyzing questionnaires related to the evaluation of training institutions in order to determine the standards that must be met in the training institutions in which students will be trained
Preparing lists of students nominated for training in each training entity and sending them to those entities (for general training opportunities only)
Holding a quarterly introductory meeting for students nominated for training with the aim of introducing them to the training system and its time plan, and providing students during it with the guide to the cooperative training program and introducing them to its components.
Measuring areas of learning (knowledge, understanding, skills, and values), through approved evaluation models
Compiling an integrated annual report showing the achievements that have been made, the pros and cons that have occurred, and recommendations that can contribute to improving performance in the coming stages.