College Shield marking the best pioneering experience in employing technology

date of publication : 2022-12-01

In relation to Al-Khurma University College winning the best pioneering experience in employing technology in education at the level of Taif University. The Deanship of the University College in Al-Khurma extended its sincere thanks and appreciation to Ms. Marwa bint Muhammad Al-Rehaili, a lecturer in the Arabic language program at the college, for her distinguished efforts in the field of e-learning, and for having the best pioneering experience in employing technology in education at the level of Taif University during voting in the virtual symposium to celebrate Technology Day Education 2022, which was held on 9/27/2022 AD, under the auspices of His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Youssef Abdo Asiri, who shed light on the future of blended education and its governance at Taif University.