Virtual Transformation Initiative
To complement the success of Virtual Transformation Project, which was adopted by the University's Agency for Academic Affairs and Development In employing the potential of Blackboard Learn and Virtual Classroom Systems to teach some general courses, and based on the circular issued to the university faculties regarding transfer the requirements from theory courses of the university and college to virtual courses, The aim of this project is to enable stakeholders to implement the virtual transformation in teaching these courses, and to provide technical aspects and technical support for the success of the initiative
Our university is a leader in the investment of technology supporting the educational process
Enable Taif University to improve the efficiency, efficiency and quality of the educational process through investment of technology in education
Strategic objectives
IT Deanship strives to achieve sub-strategic goals emanating from the strategic goals of Taif University by implementing the Virtual Transformation Initiative which serves to achieve these objectives as follows:
Improving the quality and outputs of education
- Enable the university to implement modern education strategies based on optimal employment of technology in the educational process
- Improve the quality of e-courses and enrich educational content
Phasing Objectives
Increase the capacity of virtual classrooms by 30% per academic year
Ensuring that the system is ready to accommodate the target sections in a manner that does not impair its efficiency
Make sure that the educational studios are ready
Upgrade the system to the latest version
Training and workshops
workshops were held for new faculty members through virtual classes, at the beginning of the semester
workshops in the middle of the semester were held to learn more about e-learning systems
e-training courses were held in the e-teacher initiative
To sensitize students and prepare materials for e-learning systems and virtual classes
Operation during the semester
Provide technical support to students and faculty throughout the day
- Preparing periodic reports on the progress of the project during the semester0
Follow-up and evaluation of the performance of the project during the semester
A committee was set up to follow up the implementation of the project consisting of members of the Deanship (e-learning, information technology, university development and supporting studies)
Raising periodic reports and recommendations to the concerned authorities
Publish of student surveys
Evaluate and improve performance
Numbers and statistics
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