Report a cyber security incident
An electronic information security incident is a violation or imminent threat of violation of computer security policies, acceptable use policies, or standard computer security practices relating to computers or network resources of Taif University. Incidents to be reported include, but are not limited to, examples of computer system intrusion incidents:
- Hacking into a user's account by, for example, malware, unusual use or activity.
- Unauthorized changes to systems, software, or data.
- Existence of websites corresponding to theTaif University website
- Penetration of infrastructure devices such as router, switch, firewall.
- Unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification or destruction of information.
- Violation of university policy, laws or regulations.
- Denial of service.
What do I do in the event of a security incident?
- Turn off your computer, mobile device, or other device.
- Disconnect the Internet if possible
- Do not take any further action, until advice is given by those responsible until the problem is identified and resolved.
- Report the situation in one of the ways described above.
- Keep calm and only discuss the problem with your unit manager and information security team.
- Write a detailed description to share with the incident team. Include details such as: what made you suspect the crash, what happened so far, information about the device and data affected, and what actions have been taken so far.
Please report any potential information security issues immediately, as reporting allows it to determine if further investigations are necessary, and to limit any further damage or loss of data.
An incident can be reported by filling out the following form:
Click here to fill out the form: