As TU believes in the importance of guidance to the development and service of the teaching-learning process and the community of universities, TU prides itself for being the venue of the Saudi Society for Academic Guidance. This Society is the first in KSA that specializes in all aspects of guidance whether academic, psychological, behavioral, social or professional
1. Contributing to the realization of the Kingdom’s 2030 Vision, part of which is the development of education according to the National Transformation Program since academic guidance contributes to developing the process and enhances its outcomes.
2. Benefiting from the international partnerships the University holds with global parties that are well versed in this regard such as the British Higher Education Academy.
3. Forming an academic network and an experience house from specialized personnel in Saudi universities, and investing their academic and professional experience in the process of academic guidance.
4. Having no associations concerned with academic guidance or are interested in developing the process of guidance, thus trying to bridge the gap in this regard.
5. Having many complicated problems facing those concerned with academic guidance, which requires the harnessing of all efforts and benefiting from expertise within a specialized academic society that has a legal status, and is deemed a specialized academic reference.
Establishment Procedures:
- The Administration of Academic Guidance in TU made the initiative to establish the Saudi Society for Academic Guidance on the Level of KSA.
- The Vice-presidency of Academic Affairs and Development revised the proposal in preparation for sending it to the University Board.
- The University Board approved of the establishment of the Saudi Society for Academic Guidance during its seventh meeting held on 18/7/1440.
- His Excellency the Minister of Education endorsed the establishment of the Society in his letter numbered 116407 on 18/8/1440.
- On 22/11/1440, the President of TU issued his decree numbered 81276 appointing Prof. Dr. Khadeejah Dheifallah Al-Qurashi as the Secretary General of the Saudi Society for Academic Guidance.
- On 19/12/1440, the President of TU issued his decree numbered 82599 to form a founding interim committee for the Saudi Society for Academic Guidance, chaired by the Secretary General of the Society / Prof. Dr. Khadeejah Deifallah Al-Qurashi.
- Immediately, the founding committee assumed its duties and completed all the tasks assigned to it.