Department Activities


Physical Therapy Department Orientation Day- 1444
For more photos, please see the report attachment

Physical Therapy Department Orientation Day
First semester, 1440-1441 H Sunday 15/9/2019 Outline: 

  1. Head of department speech (department foundation, value, vision, mission, and objectives)    Dr. Abdulraheem Almalki
  2. Program learning outcomes, job opportunities, and academic staff members    Dr. Mostafa Sayed
  3. Study plan    Dr. Amr Almaz
  4. Field training    Mr. Yser Abu-asi
  5. Exams rules    Dr. Fatma Mostafa
  6. Academic advising    Dr. Nevien Mohammed
  7. Students activities    Dr. Marwa Mahmoud
  8. Student advisory board, and charter    Dr. Abdulraheem Almalki
  9. Questionnaires, and department laboratories    Dr. Mostafa Sayed

For more photos, please see the report attachment

Student and Community Service Activity Report First Semester, 1440-1441 H

For more photos, please see the report attachment

Physical Therapy Department Educational Visits to Simulation and Medical Training Center, Taif University

For more photos, please see the report attachment

Activities inside the department

For more photos, please see the report attachment


