Student Initiative to Educate Kidney Failure Patients about their Medications 2024-03-05 6:56:57 AM Student Initiative to Educate Kidney Failure Patients about their Medications
Dr. A. Alghamdi appointed 2023-09-07 6:22:17 AM Dr. A. Alghamdi appointed as Head of the Radiology Department
Congratulation to Dr. Sami Al-Ahmari 2023-05-16 10:22:46 AM Congratulations to Dr. Sami Al-Ahmari for joining as a faculty member
Congratulations to Dr. BAHAAEDIN 2023-01-22 6:41:30 AM Congratulations to Dr. BAHAAEDIN Abdewahid Elkhader
The College won the best college for transforming to the three-semester 2022-11-14 6:12:57 AM The College won the best college for transforming to the three-semester at Taif University
Nursing Dep won the best annual report at Taif University 2022-11-13 9:47:32 AM Nursing Dep won the best annual report at Taif University
Won the best annual report at Taif University 2022-11-13 7:31:54 AM Won the best annual report at Taif University