free-to-remote training courses and programs in various fields, through the electronic training platform

Monshaat Academy (affiliated with the General Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises) announced the start of applying for a set of free - distance training programs and courses in various fields, through the electronic training platform within the "Develop your business" initiative launched by the Academy to help develop and build the capabilities of entrepreneurs. and owners of small and medium enterprises, and trainees are granted (accredited certificates) after completing the courses, based on the following details:

The most important training paths:
1- Finance/Accounting.
2- Investment.
3- Administration.
4- E-commerce.
5- Entrepreneurship.
6- E-marketing.
7- Commercial franchise.
...and more other tracks.

 Available courses: (75 courses)

E-commerce supply chains.
Effectively manage financial performance.
E-marketing at the lowest costs.
Internet of things and promising opportunities.
Introduction to electronic commerce and retail.
Introduction to Entrepreneurship.
- Cyber ​​security.
Cyber ​​Security Guidelines for E-Commerce Businesses
- Blockchain technology
Steps for establishing a business.
- Feasibility study.
Accounting for non-accountants.
Project risk management.
- Operations Management.
Marketing for emerging projects.
Customer service basics.
Commercial contracts.
- Establishing and managing service restaurants.
- Establishment of projects for the sale of cosmetics.
Retail market management.
Investing in cosmetology.
Sales methods and skills.
Introduction to e-commerce.
- Program from idea to market.
- Establishing and managing cafes.
Government competitions and procurement.
- Risk analysis.
Human resources in emerging organizations.
Human capital in entrepreneurship.
- Market Research.
Technical study of commercial franchise.

* In addition to more than (45) training courses available through the training platform.

*Note: Available courses are updated (delete / added) continuously.


1- Pass certificates approved by the Public Authority for Enterprises.
2- Registration is open to all (students, graduates, employees, job seekers).
3- The courses are held (remotely).
4- It includes more than (70) various fields and training tracks.
5- The courses are offered in Arabic.


The most important questions:

1- Are all training programs free?
Yes, all programs are free.

2- Can the trainee benefit from more than one program at the same time?
- Yes, the trainee can register for several programs simultaneously for self-learning programs and materials.

3- Can the beneficiary obtain a certificate of completion of training programs?
- In the event that all requirements are completed, a certificate of completion for the training programs can be downloaded.


How to register:

To view the available courses and register:
- (click here)