About Scholarships Department

About the scholarships department.

The scholarship, that the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia pays full attention to, aims at the development of the national human resources scientifically and skillfully. Building individuals and developing their skills is based on thoughtful plans. These plans contribute to the development of the community’s cultural and educational level and to the achievement of the economical growth which stands to a large extent on the education level and quality.

Therefore, Taif University seeks to build academic staff through sending them on scholarships and training them, which will assist in enhancing the education and in equipping national graduation students with the highest degree of skills and knowledge in order to qualify them for serving their community and country in different fields.

Hence, the administration of the scholarships and trainings at Taif University was established since 1432 H in order to help in achieving the scholarships’ aims through qualifying and guiding scholars which will help them overcome difficulties by completing their documents quickly and efficiently. In addition, the administration’s vital role is to organize communication between University’s colleges and Saudi Cultural missionaries around the world.


Establishing an integrated scholarship and training department with electronic, organizational, and executive services.


Serving Taif University staff members who are in scholarship inside the Kingdom and outside with maximum efficiency and employing technology to clarify procedures, to arrange documents, to organize work, and to guide scholars effortless, fast, and precisely.


  • Providing all services and arrange all scholar’s documents electronically in order to decrease the use of papers and to organize work fast and precisely.
  • Establishing database to gather Taif University data and store them in archieves.
  • Preparing the required statistical reports on the number of scholars and their majors which will contribute to the future decisions to serve the university orientations for better service to the local community.