Bachelor of Computer Engineering - Courses Descriptions
Bachelor of Computer Engineering program
*attached 1: is the full description of CE courses according to the National Center for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA).
** attached 2: CE program Catalog
Brief Courses Description
Code |
501110-2 |
Course Name |
Introduction to Problem Solving |
Credit Hours |
2 |
Prerequisite |
-- |
Course Description |
The course presents fundamental concepts of problem-solving techniques in computer science and other computational sciences. Topics include: Problem-solving approaches and process, Arithmetic Expression, Debugging, Decision structures, Repetition Structures.
Code |
501112-2 |
Course Name |
Computer Skills |
Credit Hours |
2 |
Prerequisite |
-- |
Course Description |
The course presents fundamental skills in Basic Computer Operations, Computer Core, Word Processing/Desktop Publishing, Spreadsheet/Graphing, Database, presentations, Telecommunications, E-Mail, Web Browsing, Online Research, Social Legal and Ethical issues.
Code |
202126-3 |
Course Name |
Fundamental of Mathematics |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
-- |
Course Description |
The course presents fundamental concepts and reasoning, distilled from mathematics science and other computational sciences, for types of proofs, Induction, number theory, Relations, Sums, Approximations, and Asymptotic, counting and functions.
Code |
501125-2 |
Course Name |
Scientific Computing |
Credit Hours |
2 |
Prerequisite |
-- |
Course Description |
The course introduces the practical aspects of scientific computing where students will be exposed to fundamental coding elements and concepts to solve a wide range of computing and engineering problems.
Code |
503121-1 |
Course Name |
Computer Aided Drawing |
Credit Hours |
1 |
Prerequisite |
-- |
Course Description |
This course focuses on using AutoCAD program, introductory descriptive geometry, orthographic, deducing the missed view, and dimensioning.
Code |
204124-2 |
Course Name |
General Chemistry |
Credit Hours |
2 |
Prerequisite |
-- |
Course Description |
Introduction (Matter and Measurement), Atoms, Molecules, and Ions, Chemical Reactions and Reaction Stoichiometry, Aqueous Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry, Thermochemistry, Electronic Structure of Atoms, Periodic Properties of the Elements, Basic Concepts of Chemical Bonding, Molecular Geometries and Bonding Theories, Gases.
Code |
201102-3 |
Course Name |
General Biology |
Credit Hours |
2 |
Prerequisite |
-- |
Course Description |
Studying the concepts of ecology and environmental pollution. Also, this course discusses the principles and commercial applications of biotechnology to environmental problems. The course is structured to promote self-learning and students' development of Biotech solutions to real-life problems. Biotechnology is not just genes! Individual subject areas include the use of biotechnology to clean up or 'bioremediation' polluted environments as well as the economic recovery of important minerals and precious metals. Furthermore, the application of biological systems in preventing pollution by supporting our planet's sustainable development is also explored in subject areas such as biofuels. The controversial issues of agricultural biotechnology are also examined in this course.
Code |
501215-3 |
Course Name |
Discrete Structures |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
-- |
Course Description |
Introduce propositional logic, predicates, quantifiers; sets, functions, sequences; proof strategy, induction, recursion; relations, equivalence relations, partial orders; basic counting techniques.
Code |
501220-3 |
Course Name |
Computer programming 1 |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
-- |
Introduce the fundamental concepts of programming and problem-solving techniques. Topics include data types, control structures, arrays and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging.
Code |
203206-4 |
Course Name |
Physics 1 |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Prerequisite |
-- |
Course Description |
This course introduces systems of units, dimensional analysis, Vector and scalar Quantities, Motion in One Dimension, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and momentum, Electric field, Electric Potential, Electric current, Capacitance, Direct and Alternating Current circuits, Geometrical optics.
Code |
202261-3 |
Course Name |
Calculus 1 |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
-- |
Course Description |
This course teaches the concepts and techniques of limits, differentiation and integration and their application to problems in science and engineering.
Code |
501222-3 |
Course Name |
Computer Programming 2 |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
501220-3 |
Course Description |
This course is a continuation of 501220-3 Computer Programming (I). It extends programming concepts to include functions, pointers, functions and arrays, string manipulation, file handling, and introducing object-oriented programming.
Code |
202263-3 |
Course Name |
Calculus 2 |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
202261-3 |
Course Description |
This course reinforces and extends the concepts and techniques of limits, differentiation and integration of functions taught in Calculus I, and introduces the concept of sequences and series and their application to problems in science and engineering. |
Code |
503221-4 |
Course Name |
Digital Logic Design |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Prerequisite |
501215-3 |
Course Description |
This course covers many basic topics such as numbering systems, Boolean algebra, simplification using Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps, and different logic gates. The course also deals with analysis and synthesis of combinational circuits, e.g., adders, encoders, decoders, multiplexers and demultiplexers. Flip‐flops and Sequential circuits such as registers, counters, and other basic also presented. The course prepares the students to apply the above basic skills to design, implement, and test digital logic circuits in the laboratory. |
Code |
203207-4 |
Course Name |
Physics 2 |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Prerequisite |
203206-4 |
Course Description |
This course covers the following topics: magnetic fields, sources of magnetic field, The Biot-Savart Law, Ampere's Law, Gauss's Law in magnetism, Inductance, Faraday's Law of Induction, RL Circuits, mutual inductance, RLC circuit, and alternating current circuits. |
Code |
501324-3 |
Course Name |
Data Structures |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
501222-3 |
Course Description |
Introduces students to development, implementation, and analysis of efficient data structures and algorithms. Topics include analysis of sorting and searching algorithms and abstract data types such as stacks, queues, linked list, trees, graphs, and hash tables.
Code |
202365-3 |
Course Name |
Calculus 3 |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
202263-3 |
Course Description |
This course covers the calculus of several variables and is the third calculus course in a three-course sequence. Topics include functions of several variables, partial derivatives, multiple integrals in two dimensions, solid analytical geometry, and vector-valued functions. Upon completion, students should be able to solve problems involving vectors and functions of several variables.
Code |
503323-3 |
Course Name |
Computer Architecture |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503221-4 |
Course Description |
This course will provide the student with an in-depth study of the organization of the central processing unit, arithmetic logic unit, control unit, instruction set design, and addressing modes of digital computers. Register Transfer model of processors and data paths are considered. Extensive emphasis is placed on the translation of assembly language instructions into their micro sequence operations within the control unit. Both hardwire and microprogramming techniques will be covered. Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC) and Complex Instruction Set Computers (CISC) are introduced as well. Parallel architecture and inter-connection networks. |
Code |
202366-3 |
Course Name |
Differential Equations |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
202263-3 |
Course Description |
This course covers linear equations of the first order, linear equations with constant coefficients, the general linear equation, variation of parameters, undetermined coefficients, linear independence, the Wronskian, exact equations, separation of variables, and applications, systems of linear differential equations, solution of Laplace transforms, existence, and uniqueness of solutions.
Code |
202262-3 |
Course Name |
Linear Algebra |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
-- |
Course Description |
This course is an introduction to Linear Algebra during a study of linear systems of equations and its solutions methods, and a study of Matrices, determinants, operations on matrices and Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Finally, a simple introduction to Vector spaces.
Code |
202364-3 |
Course Name |
Probability and Statistics |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
202261-3 |
Course Description |
Statistical methods and the application of probability theory are essential to the understanding of data and underlying processes in many fields of sciences and engineering. This course provides an introduction to probability and statistics concepts with applications for students who would like to have careers in the Computer Science and Computer Engineering. Topics include: sample space, events, random variables, expectation and moments, combinatorial probability, conditional probability, discrete and continuous distributions, discrete and continuous probability density functions, functions of random variables, sampling distributions, introduction to stochastic processes, statistical inference, estimation and test of hypotheses.
Code |
503310-4 |
Course Name |
Electric Circuits |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Prerequisite |
202262-3, 202366-3 |
Course Description |
Units and dimensions, Electric circuit elements and variables, energy stored, and power dissipated in circuit elements. DC circuit analysis: Kirchhoff's voltage and current law. Analysis Methods: mesh current method, Node voltage method. Superposition Principle, Thevenin's and Norton's theorems, maximum power transfer theorem, Delta-Star Transformation. Transient Circuits: Basic circuit parameters, boundary conditions for energy storage elements, first-order circuits with DC excitations. AC circuits: Sinusoidal Functions, Phasors, DC and RMS Values, Complex Power in AC circuits, Transformers: Introduction, Ideal transformer, Transformer efficiency.
Code |
503325-3 |
Course Name |
Computer Organization & Design |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503323-3 |
Course Description |
This course will provide the student with an in-depth study of the organization of the central processing unit, arithmetic logic unit, control unit, instruction set design, and addressing modes of digital computers. Register Transfer model of processors and data paths are considered. Extensive emphasis is placed on the translation of assembly language instructions into their micro sequence operations within the control unit. Both hardwire and microprogramming techniques will be covered. Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC) and Complex Instruction Set Computers (CISC) are introduced as well. Parallel architecture and inter-connection networks. |
Code |
202367-3 |
Course Name |
Numerical Methods |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
202365-3 |
Course Description |
This course will emphasize the development of numerical algorithms to provide solutions to common problems formulated in science and engineering. The primary objective of the course is to develop the basic understanding of the construction of numerical algorithms, and perhaps more importantly, the applicability and limits of their appropriate use. The emphasis of the course will be the thorough study of numerical algorithms to understand the guaranteed accuracy that various methods provide the efficiency and sociability for large scale systems and issues of stability. |
Code |
503371-3 |
Course Name |
Signals and Systems |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
202263-3 |
Course Description |
This course focuses on classification and properties of signals and systems, Fourier series representation of periodic signals, Fourier transform and its properties, convolution, correlation and spectral density, Laplace transform, representation and analysis of linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, LTI systems characteristics, impulse response and transfer function of LTI systems, frequency response of LTI systems, Introduction to analog filters.
Code |
503311-3 |
Course Name |
Communication Systems |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503371-3 |
Course Description |
This course provides basic concepts of Analogue and Digital Communication Systems (Transmitter, Channel, and the Receiver). It includes components of analogue and digital communication systems with more emphasize on the digital communication systems. In this course students will familiarize with the design of communication systems and be able to analyze the performance of the systems. |
Code |
503413-4 |
Course Name |
Electronics |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Prerequisite |
503310-4 |
Course Description |
This course focuses on analysis and design used throughout the electronic devices and circuit theory. Semiconductor diodes. Diode applications. BJT transistor modeling. BJT Small-signal. Theory of operational amplifiers, Inverting and noninverting operational amplifier, feedback theory, frequency response, applications of operational amplifier, voltage summation, subtraction and comparator, integration, and differentiation circuits, comparators, Oscillators Active filters and Multistage amplifier. |
Code |
503431-3 |
Course Name |
Microprocessor |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503323-3 |
Course Description |
This course covers the microprocessor and microcomputer systems architectures. The architecture of a specific 16-bit Microprocessor, assembly language programming, data representation, addressing modes, instruction sets, I/O programming, interrupts, assembly process, cross assemblers and debugging. Bus systems, Memory subsystems, Interfacing and peripherals. |
Code |
503474-3 |
Course Name |
Digital Signal Processing |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503371-3 |
Course Description |
This course gives detailed explanations of basic digital signal processing operations including sampling and reconstruction of continuous time signals, quantization, A/D, and D/A. Furthermore, transforms for discrete signals such Z-transform, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), and Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT) are studied. Topics also include; time and frequency domain techniques for designing and applying infinite impulse response (IIR) and finite impulse response (FIR) digital filters, and two-dimensional signal processing application. |
Code |
501453-3 |
Course Name |
Operating Systems |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503323-3 |
Course Description |
Introduces to the functions and major techniques of a modern multitasking operating system. Topics include operating system structures, process management, process synchronization, multithreading, deadlocks, cpu scheduling, memory management, file systems, and peripheral management.
Code |
503432-3 |
Course Name |
Embedded Systems |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503431-3 |
Course Description |
This Course introduces students to the design and analysis of computational systems that interact with physical processes. Applications include medical devices and systems, consumer electronics, toys and games, process control, and communications systems. The fundamentals of embedded system hardware and firmware design will be explored. Issues such as embedded processor selection, hardware/firmware partitioning, glue logic, circuit design, circuit layout, circuit debugging, development tools, firmware architecture, design, and debugging will be discussed. The architecture and instruction set of a common microcontroller will be discussed. |
Code |
503443-4 |
Course Name |
Computer Networks |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Prerequisite |
503311-3, 501453-3 |
Course Description |
This course provides the students with an understanding of the fundamental concepts of computer networking. Important concepts related to layered architecture, wired and wireless local area networks, wide area networks, packet switching and routing, transport protocol, flow control, and congestion control are covered in this course. |
Code |
502372-3 |
Course Name |
Fundamentals of Database |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
501220-3 |
Course Description |
This course will introduce the basic concepts in database systems and architectures, including data models, database design, and database implementation. It emphasis on topics in ER model and relational databases, including relational data model, SQL, functional dependency and normalization, database design process.
Code |
202368-3 |
Course Name |
Operations Research |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
202262-3 |
Course Description |
The course introduces techniques for modelling and optimizing real-world problems using mathematics, statistics, and computers. Topics may include linear programming, integer linear programming, non-linear programming, dynamic programming, game theory and queuing theory. The primary emphasis will be on Linear programming: the simplex method and its linear algebra foundations, duality, post-optimality, and sensitivity analysis; the transportation problem; the critical path method; non-linear programming methods. |
Code |
503575-4 |
Course Name |
Control Engineering |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Prerequisite |
503474-3 |
Course Description |
This course focuses on techniques used for the analysis and design of LTI Feedback Control Systems, starting with the Mathematical Modeling, passing through the Analysis, and ending with the Design of LTI Feedback Control Systems. The main topics include Modeling of electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical systems as differential equations, transfer functions, and state-space; Block diagram reduction and Signal Flow Graph representation of LTI control systems; Analysis of stability of open-loop and closed-loop systems; Time and Frequency domain Analysis of LTI systems; Design of controllers for enhancing the performance of LTI control systems. |
Code |
503444-2 |
Course Name |
Field experience |
Credit Hours |
2 |
Prerequisite |
-- |
Course Description |
To train the students in working places to master the essential skills in computer engineering through daily work activities. |
Code |
503515-3 |
Course Name |
VLSI Design |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503413-3 |
Course Description |
Introduction to the concepts and techniques of VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) design. The VLSI design process, details of the MOS transistor, CMOS processing technology and device fabrication, MOS transistor theory, MOS transistor I-V characteristics, design rules, digital CMOS circuits, and performance estimation. CAD tools for schematic, layout, functionality, timing analysis, synthesis, and performance. |
Code |
503598-3 |
Course Name |
Capstone Project (1) |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
202368-3 |
Course Description |
The graduation project (aka Capstone Design Project) challenges students to go beyond the learning that occurs as a result of their prescribed educational program, by developing design projects that demonstrate their intellectual, technical and creative abilities. Capstone project is a two‐semester course (CP1 and CP2) in which student teams (groups of two or three persons) design a project to solve a computer engineering problem under the direction and supervision of faculty members, taking into account the engineering standards and realistic constraints. The teams demonstrate their ability to analyze, design, implement solutions, and communicate significant knowledge and comprehension. During the first semester, the team develops an execution plan of the project, acquires any necessary hardware and/or software, and performs necessary computations and simulations for adopting the best possible solution according to Engineering Standards, and satisfying imposed constraints. After achieving the graduation project 1 goals, students submit a comprehensive report and make a presentation to the examination committee. |
Code |
503592-3 |
Course Name |
Engineering Economics |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
-- |
Course Description |
This course describes how to evaluate alternatives to choose the most viable option based on engineering economic criteria. Topics include: decision making, cost types and estimates, time value of money, interest rate calculations, economic equivalence, comparison of alternative investments, evaluating economic life and replacement alternatives, inflation, depreciation, development of business case analyses for new product development projects, concept of time value of money in Islamic economy, Islamic investment tools like, Musharaka, Mudaraba, Sukuk, Murabaha. |
Code |
500321-2 |
Course Name |
Professional Ethics |
Credit Hours |
2 |
Prerequisite |
990414-2 |
Course Description |
The course intends to cover the computer crime (viruses, worms, Trojan horses, hacking) and the ways to implementing computer ethics (computer professionals and social responsibility). Also, the software copyright, piracy, privacy, security, and civil liberties and some selected topics such: Philosophical Foundations of Ethics, Ethics, Ethical Dissent and Whistle-blowing. Monopolies and their Economic, Social and Ethical Implications. This course provides a general overview of the social and ethical issues in computing. Students will learn about the impacts on and implications of the development, management and use of technology in various aspects. Emphasis is given to the issues which are relevant to the field of Information Systems. |
Code |
501343-3 |
Course Name |
Software Engineering |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
501324-3 |
Course Description |
This course will introduce the different aspects of software development for reliable systems. Study the software development process models, project management techniques, modeling notations, requirement analysis, architecture design methods, and testing techniques. |
Code |
503599-3 |
Course Name |
Capstone Project (2) |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503598-3 |
Course Description |
Capstone project is a two‐semester course in which student teams design a project to solve a computer engineering problem under the direction and supervision of faculty members, taking into account the engineering standards and realistic constraints. The teams demonstrate their ability to analyze, design, implement solutions, and communicate significant knowledge and comprehension.During the second semester and after implementing, testing, and evaluating the proposed solution, students submit a final report, a poster, and prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the examination committee.In both projects the students are expected to show their abilities on designing, developing, orally presenting and documenting a project, just like they will need to in their professional lives. That is to say, the students are expected to display their social and communication skills as well as their technical abilities. |
Code |
503528-3 |
Course Name |
Digital Systems Design |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503432-3 |
Course Description |
The objective of this course is to give the students the theoretical basis & practical skills in modern design of medium size digital systems in various technologies, with a focus on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The design methodology, systematically introduced & used in the course, is based on simulation & synthesis with hardware Description language (VHDL) tools. Topics covered in this course include: conceptual design step from requirements & specification to simulation & synthesis model in VHDL, design of complex controllers with Finite State Machines, design of sequential blocks with Controller-Data path methodology, issues in design for testability, electrical & timing issues in logic and system design, overview of implementation technologies with emphasis on advances in FPGAs. |
Code |
503446-3 |
Course Name |
Advanced Computer Networks |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503443-4 |
Course Description |
This course provides in depth coverage of some basic topics in computer networks related to network layer, link layer, and physical layer. Topic include, routing protocols, medium access control of existing and emerging wired and wireless networks, and physical technology and standards. |
Code |
503576-3 |
Course Name |
Digital Image Processing |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503474-3 |
Course Description |
This course offers an introduction to the theory of multidimensional signal processing and digital image processing. Topics include; human visual system, image acquisition and display, image sampling and quantization, color representations, image filtering, image transforms; FFT and DCT, image enhancement, morphological image processing, image restoration, image denoising, image segmentation, and image compression. |
Code |
503519-3 |
Course Name |
Selected Topics in Computer Engineering |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503528-3 |
Course Description |
This course covers emerging and advanced topics in computer engineering. The contents will vary depending on the topic. |
Code |
503535-3 |
Course Name |
Parallel Computing |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503528-3 |
Course Description |
Parallel Computing is a study of the hardware and software issues in parallel computing. Topics include an introduction to the basic concepts, parallel architectures and network topologies, parallel algorithms, parallel metrics, parallel languages, granularity, applications, parallel programming design and debugging. Students will become familiar with various types of parallel architectures and programming environments. |
Code |
503537-3 |
Course Name |
Reconfigurable Computing |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503528-3 |
Course Description |
This course covers basic concepts of dependable computing. Reliability of non-redundant and redundant systems. Dealing with circuit-level defects. Logic-level fault testing and tolerance. Error detection and correction. Diagnosis and reconfiguration for system-level malfunctions. Degradation management. Failure modeling and risk assessment. |
Code |
503529-3 |
Course Name |
Fault Tolerant Computing |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503528-3 |
Course Description |
This course covers basic concepts of dependable computing. Reliability of non-redundant and redundant systems. Dealing with circuit-level defects. Logic-level fault testing and tolerance. Error detection and correction. Diagnosis and reconfiguration for system-level malfunctions. Degradation management. Failure modeling and risk assessment. |
Code |
503547-3 |
Course Name |
Network Programming |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503443-4 |
Course Description |
Review of computer network topologies and network protocols, TCP/IP and HTTP. Processes and Interposes Communication, IPC. Review of UNIX system software for IPC. Client-Server model and programming, some specific examples of IPC and Client-Server program using C language. Introduction to Hypertext Markup language, HTML and Web page designs using HTML. Introduction to JAVA language and Interactive Web pages. Use of JAVA to develop stand-alone and network applications |
Code |
503551-3 |
Course Name |
Wireless networks |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503546-3 |
Course Description |
This course introduces fundamental concepts of wireless networks. It covers the following topics: wireless networking challenges, wireless communication overview, signal propagation characteristics of wireless channels, wireless MAC concepts, overview of cellular standards (LTE and WiMAX), overview of wireless MAC protocols including 802.11, Bluetooth and personal area networks, etc. Making wireless work in today's Internet: supporting mobility, TCP over wireless, mobility, security, etc. Review of selected advanced topics, e.g. sensor, mesh and vehicular networks will also be given. |
Code |
503553-3 |
Course Name |
Mobile Networks |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503443-4 |
Course Description |
This course covers the mobility issues of wireless networks. Cellular networks, ad hoc networks; access protocols; radio and network resource management; quality of service; mobility and location management; routing; mobile-IP; current wireless technologies for personal, local and satellite networks will be covered in the course. |
Code |
503555-3 |
Course Name |
Optical Networks |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503443-4 |
Course Description |
the course covers light-emission processes in semiconductors, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), laser diodes, modulation response, source-fiber coupling, photodetectors, receiver noise and sensitivity, power budget and rise-time budget. Physics of optical components: nature of light, optical material, propagation, diffraction, polarization. Optical fiber transmission medium: fiber modes, signal degradation, attenuation, dispersion. Optical components: filters, directional couplers, power attenuators, beam splitters, multiplexers, demultiplexers, cross connects, modulators, amplifiers. Optical communications: signal encoding, network structure, SDH and SONET, WDM, routing and wavelength assignment. DWDM Networks: Topologies, bandwidth management, wavelength management, interoperability. |
Code |
503557-3 |
Course Name |
Cryptography and Network Security |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503443-4 |
Course Description |
This course provides students with the most common cryptographic algorithms and protocols and how to use cryptographic algorithms and protocols to secure distributed applications and computer networks Need for computer system security, Security attacks and threats, Security service, Conventional cryptography: concepts and methods, Conventional cryptography algorithms: DES, AES, etc., Public key cryptography, RSA Algorithm, Key management, User authentication and digital signature, Firewalls and proxy servers, Network intrusion detection and PC security. |
Code |
503559-3 |
Course Name |
Selected Topics in Computer Networks |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503443-4 |
Course Description |
This course covers emerging and advanced topics in computer networks. The contents will vary depending on the topic. |
Code |
503566-3 |
Course Name |
Machine learning |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
501324-3, 202262-3, 202364-3 |
Course Description |
This course provides a broad introduction to machine learning topics. These include: (i) Data preprocessing (acquiring datasets, identifying and handling missing values, encoding data). (ii) Supervised learning (the difference between parametric and non-parametric algorithms, support vector machines, logistic regression, neural networks). (iii) Unsupervised learning (dimensionality reduction, recommender systems, deep learning). (iv) Best practices in machine learning (bias/variance theory; innovation process in machine learning). The course will also draw from many case studies and applications so that students will learn about not only the theoretical foundations of learning, but also gain the practical skills needed to apply these techniques to new problems. |
Code |
503577-3 |
Course Name |
Digital Control Systems |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503575-4 |
Course Description |
This course focuses on the techniques used for analysis and design of the digital control systems. It identifies different aspects of digital control systems. The course covers: Z-transform and its inverse to represent and analyze discrete-time systems, pulse transfer function, block diagram, signal flow graph, state space, bilinear transformation, stability analysis, transient response and steady state errors, design of digital controllers, and evaluation of systems performance. |
Code |
503578-3 |
Course Name |
Robotics |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503432-3 |
Course Description |
The purpose of this course is to introduce the basics of modeling, design, planning, and control of robot systems. In essence, the material treated in this course is a brief survey of relevant results from geometry, kinematics, statics, dynamics, navigation and control. The course will use the LEGO robot kits to cover and illustrate the historical development of robotics as a field, the importance of integrating sensors, effectors and control, basic control, the key approaches to mobile robot control. In this course, basic concepts will be discussed, including coordinate transformations, sensors, path planning, kinematics, feedback and feedforward control, stressing the importance of integrating sensors, motors and control. These topics will be exemplified with LEGO Robot Kit labs. We will get hands on experience of NXC programming language to program the Mindstorm robot in order to perform required tasks. |
Code |
503579-3 |
Course Name |
Selected Topics in Signal Processing |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503474-3 |
Course Description |
This course covers emerging and advanced topics in signal processing. The contents will vary depending on the topic. |
Code |
501554-3 |
Course Name |
Distributed Systems |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
503546-3 |
Course Description |
Introduce the concepts and motivations of distributed systems, types of distributed systems, distributed system architectures, concept of process, communications and synchronization, distributed concurrency control, and distributed algorithms. |
Code |
501574-3 |
Course Name |
Computer Vision |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Prerequisite |
501324-3, 202262-3 |
Course Description |
This course introduces the basic concepts of computer vision, its applications, and techniques. Topics treated in the course include low level image processing, segmentation, boundary detection, fitting, stereo correspondence, 3-D reconstruction, recognition and detection. |