Property rights
All content materials published on the Taif University platforms and affiliated websites are subject to intellectual property rights, including text, graphics, images, video, software, designs, and others.
It is not permissible in any way to sell, license, rent, modify, copy, reproduce, reprint, download, advertise, transmit, distribute, publicly display, edit or create works derived from any materials or contents of Taif University for the public or for commercial purposes. .
- Compliance with the Saudi Intellectual Property Protection Law and all that is stipulated therein.
It is strictly prohibited to modify any of the university’s contents issued by the media center
- We emphasize that media publishing works are protected by copyright, and may not be reproduced or exploited in any way without the prior written consent of the Public and Media Relations Department, according to the regulations.
- Bookmark Taif University when using any content mentioned on its platforms.