Technical Procedures section

It is concerned with communicating with faculties and university’s department to provide the needs of the teaching staff, students, and researchers by developing the library's holdings and providing the most recent copies, cataloging them and classifying them according to the Dewey Decimal Classification.


Organizing the information receptacles and automating it electronically according to local and international standards.


Organizing the library’s possessions to facilitate the return process to the beneficiaries and all library visitors with ease.


  • Increase the library’s possessions from new educational sources that fulfill the needs of the teaching staff, students, and researchers.
  •  Control human knowledge and provide this knowledge in an organized and descriptive way to the learners and researchers who can benefit from it.
  •  Facilitate with ease the readers access to the appropriate material that matches their desires and needs and is relevant to their work field and specialty.


Facilitate access to paper information receptacles.

Section services:

1- Selection and acquisition

2- indexing

3- categorization

4- Recovering and Restoration

5- filtration and exclusion

Section Forms:


-Submitting complaint or sugesstion form