Basics of scientific research course for some laboratory and research experiences

date of publication : 2022-03-09

A workshop was held on “The Basics of Scientific Research for Some Laboratory and Research Experiences” through the Professional Development Unit at the Deanship of Student Affairs at Taif University on the Professional Development and Career Support page in the Maharat platform, which targeted (138) male and female students. The course was presented by Dr. Reham Zakaria, Assistant Professor of Animal Physiology, Faculty of Science at Taif University, where he touched on the most important themes of the following session:
A review of some of the basics of research and laboratory experiments on animal physiology and the measurement of antioxidants.
🔘Basics of diabetes experiments in experimental animals Diabetes mellitus experiments
🔘 Technique of synthesis of some complexes of active biological compounds or pharmaceutical compounds with some metals and their effective biological effects.
🔘Basics of Flow Cytometry and Tumor Cell Experiments
Basics of Flow cytometry and Cancer cell lines
The latest trends regarding the effectiveness of nanomaterials and how they affect living cell membranes Nanofofmula