Speech disorders and their psychological and social effects (let me talk)

date of publication : 2022-11-07

 In the presence of His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Yousef bin Abdo Asiri, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Development Prof. Faisal Almalki.

On the occasion of World Stuttering Awareness Day: Taif University, represented by the University Counseling Department and the Mental Health Promotion Committee, presents an exhibition and a symposium entitled "

 Speech disorders and their psychological and social effects (let me talk)

 The talks on the occasion of the International Stuttering Awareness Day included a number of topics and theses to talk about speech disorders and their different classifications, and the definition of stuttering disorders, cognitive-behavioral therapy, various interventions for cases of speech disorders, and the psychological aspects that hinder recovery from stuttering.