Participation of the University Counseling Department in the campaign (My Place is Among You)

Date : 2020-11-10 Time : 10:00:00
place : التأهيل الشامل للاناث

In the context of taif university's keenness on community participation and in line with the Kingdom's vision (2030) to enable and integrate persons with disabilities and their families enrolled in comprehensive rehabilitation centers and raise the level of concepts related to disability and provide alternative programs and a sound environment in place of housing services in accordance with what the Kingdom has pledged in international agreements that enable skeletal persons to integrate them into their families, the University Guidance Department participated in the "My Place Among You" campaign with a lecture on (psychological development and social adaptation of the social integration of persons with disabilities) and gave the lecture. Rabab Abu al-Layl, head of the department's psychological guidance and guidance unit, on Tuesday, 1442/3/24, at the headquarters of the comprehensive rehabilitation of females in Taif governorate, the aim was how to qualify the cases and their families psychologically and socially to integrate with us in a new society outside the shelter ing community.