The E.L.C. offers students several educational and recreational activities

date of publication : 2018-10-18

The English Language Club at Taif University organizes a variety of educational and recreational activities of a non-seasonal nature. Students are challenging language barriers & various obstacles to open exploratory and developmental dimensions for students who wish to open windows on a world.

The Dean of the Deanship of Supportive Studies and Head of the English Language Center Dr. Mansour Al-Malki said that the activities of the club include the following:


The Hurdlz: A program to overcome the obstacles facing students and prevent them from reaching the required level.


The Curriculum Corner: Based on the topics presented, the Curriculum Corner offers mini workshops that enhance students' language acquisition. The aim of these workshops is to meet all the skills according to the curriculum requirements and will focus on achieving the objectives of the lesson through cooperative learning using English as a means of communication


Chatterbox: A program designed to encourage students who have successfully assimilated the current curriculum, and provides guidance for further initiatives to enhance performance and explore language alternatives.


Mentorship Program The Teacher's Mentor Program is a collaborative program aimed primarily at integrating the new English Language Center teachers into their new teaching environment. It is a program that guides the teacher to reflect on his / her performance, curriculum and educational strategies. The main feature of the program is to enhance professional competence for English teachers and enable them to gain more proficiency and professionalism in teaching English with a focus on Saudi teachers. The program aims to encourage Saudi English teachers and university graduates to compete in the labor market as teachers of this language and train them to create and develop tools necessary to prepare them for education through training programs developed by E.L.C.

 Our goal is to encourage all English teachers to communicate and benefit from the program to enhance the educational skills of participants and work on the development of their teaching profession as well as oversee the implementation and evaluation of the curriculum.