Title: Artificial Intelligence Impact on the 21st Century

Date : 2018-10-24 Time :
place :

Title: Artificial Intelligence Impact on the 21st Century
Abstract: Artificial intelligence in today's world is progressing rapidly with new advanced innovations day in day out. Today's computer systems are designed to perform small tasks, for instance, facial recognition, car driving, and performance of other tasks like analyzing human DNA to solve a biological problem. However, the primary goal of artificial intelligence is to develop advanced and more complex systems that would outperform humans at whatever way. This includes the performance of more complicated tasks like playing chess and solving equations. Therefore, the future goal of AI is to perfect all human activities and provide better solutions to problems than the human can do. In this presentation, we show the significant impact of AI tools via two case studies. First, the cybersecurity of sensitive process control plants such as petroleum industry and chemical plants. Second, we illustrate the effectiveness of AI algorithms to overcome a very challenging problem in biology that can serve to cure human disease. 
Presenter Biography: Fahad Albalawi was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He received the B.S.  in Electrical Engineering from Umm Alqura University, Makkah. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles. His research interests include artificial intelligence, machine learning, economic model predictive control, nonlinear systems, dynamic process optimization and process operational safety. He is currently an assistant professor of Electrical Engineering at Taif University, Saudi Arabia.