Quality and Academic Accreditation Unit

Quality and Academic Accreditation Unit​

Leadership in quality system management and reaching excellence in it on the regional level in the framework of the Kingdom Vision 2030.
The continuous development for the business administration college performance through an effective program for the quality, in coordination with all the college units and departments to contribute to achieving the Kingdom Vision 2030 and the National Transformation Program.

• Proficiency and excellence.
• Working with a team spirit.
• Bearing responsibility.
• Transparency and integrity.

Duties of the Quality and development Unit
• Supporting, following up, and guaranteeing the continuous flow of different activities of quality system and development in the college, according to the standards and needs of the quality assurance system in the university.
• Contributing to disseminating the culture of quality and academic accreditation, as well as the concepts of quality management systems at the college, in collaboration with the different college academic departments and units. This is implemented by holding lectures, seminars, and training courses.
• Contributing to training and qualifying the quality assurance team at the college departments, in coordination with the Deanship of Academic Development and Quality.
• Contributing to motivating and directing the college's academic departments to apply for the appropriate academic accreditation.
• Following up the educational activities to ensure that college programs are meeting the academic accreditation requirements.
• Following up on the preparation of annual reports on the programs according to the forms of the National Commission for Academic Accreditation.
• Supervising the implementation of evaluation and academic accreditation programs at the college and its departments.
• Providing technical support to the college's academic departments in the areas of quality and accreditation.
• Developing appropriate phase plans for the periodical review of accredited quality standards to ensure continuous improvement in the performance of the college's academic departments and administrative units.
• Examining the difficulties and problems facing the college's development and quality programs, and proposing appropriate solutions.
• Making arrangements for the visits of the external and internal auditors.

Members of quality and development unit

1- Dr. Bandar ALharthey (Chief)
2- Dr. Magdi Othman (College coordinator)
3- Dr. Muhammad Shehab (economic program coordinator)
4- Dr. Waael Muhammad (insurance program coordinator)
5- Dr. Ayman Bazohair (finance program coordinator)
6- Dr. Ibrahim Abdulhamed (marketing program coordinator)
7- Dr. Mahmoud Abdulhamed (accounting program coordinator)
8- Dr. khabashi Muhammad (management coordinator)
9- Dr. Mahmoud Alarbawi (management information system coordinator)
10- Dr. Najlaa Qhadi (female sector)​

11- Dr. Amira Abdon (female sector)
