Teaching Arabic for Non-native Speakers Unit

College of Arts Unit of Teaching Arabic for non-Native Speakers





The Unit seeks to take optimal advantage of Taif University’s distinct geographical location as an attractive teaching environment to offer pedagogically up-to-date programs of study for non-native speakers of Arabic. Such programs will also contribute to the grand civilizational mission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia towards teaching Arabic and the dissemination of its culture.




Achieving excellence in disseminating Arabic in light of a civilizational vision and an attractive interactive program that depends on the latest trends in pedagogy and linguistic theories.


Main Goal:


Teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, using a scientific functional approach


Targeted Groups:


  • Non-Arabic speaking holders of scholarships
  • Exchange program students
  • Visitors, residents, and other expatriates wishing to learn Arabic
  • International students coming for educational tourism


Programs offered by the Unit:


  • Pre-university language training program
  • Teacher training program for non-native speakers
  • Language training program within the framework of educational tourism


Contact us:


We will be happy to receive your enquiries and suggestions at: