History of the College


• The College of Sharia and Regulations was established in accordance with the resolution of the Higher Education Council in its 50th session held on 07/10/ 2008, and culminated by the supreme approval No. 10229 / MB dated 28/12/2008.

• Before that, it was a section under the title: Department of Islamic Studies, within the departments of the College of Education at King Abdul Aziz University.

• Then it was joined to Umm al-Qura University on 17/08/1982

• It was a collection of literary and Scientific sections, and then separated the academic sections, forming the College of Sciences, and the literary sections remained under the name: College of Education.

• After the issuance of the Royal Decree of establishing the University ofTaif in 2003 a restructuring of the colleges and departments of the University was made, and the academic plans for each specialty was developed, then the Supreme royal approval No. (14/35/1426) was issued on 20/11/2005 regarding the accreditation of the College of Education structure.

• After the separation of the College of Education from the College of Arts the Department of Islamic Studies became under the umbrella of the College of Arts, and then in 2007 the name of the Islamic Studies Department was changed from the Department of Islamic Studies to the Department of Sharia and Islamic Studies.

• In 2008 established the College of Sharia and regulations, which includes four sections: Sharia, Recitations, regulations, and Islamic culture.

• There are also four postgraduate programs at the master's level in the majors ofjurisprudence, Fundamentals of jurisprudence, Recitations, and doctrine.

• The College of Shari'a and regulations is the first college in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to include the regulations Department for the bachelor's degree level under the umbrella of the College of Sharia and Regulations.
